

Lawrence Park, Bronxville

Our clients describe the desired style for their 1920’s tudor as “distinctive and bespoke, formal but not stodgy, with a dash of swank”.


A family home which was once a 2-story 70’s ranch, now a cosy and tasteful blend of Napa and New York.

Upper West Side, NYC

An European-inspired Manhattan apartment for a family of 5 that has evolved from cribs to college.


Bird’s Eye View, NYC

Looking out you see boats chugging and bobbing along. Across the Hudson, acres of trees, urban hubbub and fantastic sunsets. Looking in, radiant gold walls, classic furniture and a whimsical perspective.


Fashion Industry exec and her two teen age daughters wanted to give their new rental apartment  more pizzaz.

Eastbourne, Bronxville

Our goal was to shake it up, change the mood to California Dreamin', blending Formal Country with Chateau Chic, ripe colors and contemporary style.


West end, NYC

This couple referred to themselves as homebodies but it was not that they spent so much time at home, it's just that they have loved their home and worked it like a craft.


Applied lessons on modern apartment living for a family in the heart of Manhattan.

Home Office, NYC

This particular office, like many in NYC, needed storage, wall to wall bookcases and files to neatly contain all records and many reference books.


Short Hills, NJ

Occasionally, you have the privilege to work on a historic home on a beautiful site, with clients who want to honor the history, while making the house a contemporary home for busy family life!

Upper 5th, NYC

Elegant and traditional evolved over time. As you walk through this lovely apartment above Central Park almost every room feels like a living room.  

Warm and bright in Scarsdale

Color and pattern filled the house when we first started, years later they became art collectors and the decor now has a supporting role!